This article aims to explore Lao Sze-Kwang's (1927-2012) cultural consciousness and his poetic writings in exile through an aesthetic reading and interpreting Lao's Wei-Jai Poems. Firstly, in reading Lao SzeKwang as a narrator constituting self-explorations of poetic persona, the author indicates the core concerns of Lao's writings on cultural consciousness in Chinese thought and the universal dimension of Chinese culture in the context of world culture. Secondly, the author investigates the poetic transformation of literati's sufferings during Lao's traveling in exile, especially in the period of civic war and regime change in contemporary China. The thirdly, the author examines the rhetoric of Lao's poems in two literary styles of writing, the ingenious style "Xingling shipai, Spiritual school of poetry" and the abstruse style of "Tungkwang ti," to discuss Lao's literary achievements in the field of diasporic writings especially in his poems made in "Tung-kwang ti." At the end, the author points out Lao Sze-Kwang's literary and aesthetic contributions of his Wei-Jai Poems, both in allegorical approach to literature and historical reflections on contemporary Chinese literati's life, to conclude his literary ideals on Chinese culture and the purpose of poetic writing in the lasting pursuit to the "chuxin, Original Language in the mind."