


Territories and World: The Migration and Variation of Chinese Literati Aesthetics in Modem East Asia


楊雅惠(Ya-Hui YANG)


境界 ; 世界 ; 中國文人美學 ; 東亞 ; 現象學 ; Poetic Territories (jingjie) ; World (shijie) ; Chinese Literati Aesthetics ; East Asia ; Phenomenology




42卷11期(2015 / 11 / 01)


181 - 199




本文主旨在於探討中國文人美學在近現代東亞之流衍變異。首先反思東方文藝美學中的「境界」(Poetic Territories)思想,並與西方哲學思想中的「世界」(World)概念對照,思索東亞文人美學的深意。其次從當代現象學理論的角度,尤其是海德格對世界概念的解釋,探討以詩書畫三絕結合的中國文人美學,在近現代東亞文化語境的移徙、流衍與變異;剖析近現代文人藝術意境在東方「境界」與西方「世界」觀念之間的轉換。此外,本文將以詩書畫藝美學之融通轉換為經,以作品在東亞地區(中國大陸、臺;菁、日本)之間的流衍變異為緯,嘗試勾勒近現代東亞文人美學的文化系譜。


This paper aims to examine the intercultural migration and variation of Chinese literati's arts in modem East Asia. Firstly, by contrasting the aesthetic category of jingjie (poetic territories) in classical Chinese culture with the concept of World (shijie) in Western thought, the author will investigate the various meanings of literati aesthetics in the context of Chinese literary criticism. Secondly, the author will illustrate, in taking the phenomenological approach, the changing figures of Chinese literati Art under the impact of encountering experiences of Oriental jingjie and Western shijie, to shed light on the migration, the moving and the variation of the aesthetics of Chinese literati's three perfections (poetry, calligraphy and painting) in modem East Asia. The third, the author tries to sketch the intercultural images of the classical literati arts in theories and in practices, spreading in China, in Japan, and in Taiwan since 16th century in order to look for a new aesthetic genealogy for tracing the multiple cultural lineages of literati arts in East Asia.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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