


Indigenization of the Catholic Church after Vatican II: Taking the Effort of Chinese Neo-Scholastic Philosophy as Example


沈清松(Vincent Shen)


梵二大公會議 ; 現代性 ; 全球化 ; 網絡神學 ; 中華士林哲學 ; Vatican II ; Modernity ; Globalization ; Cybertheology ; Chinese Scholastic Philosophy




43卷2期(2016 / 02 / 01)


19 - 38






This paper will conduct philosophical reflections on the major changes happening after Vatican II, in order to feature the spirit of Vatican II in facing the challenges of modern world. Basically, Vatican II took place in the 60s of the 20th Century to face the challenge of modernity, thus declared Gaudium et Spes. However, we may ask today: what has happened to the world since then to now? The answers may be, first, postmodernism and post colonialism in the 70s and 80s have criticized, questioned, and denied the Western modernity; second, globalization since the 90s, along with localization, has marked this world with the phenomenon of "glocalism"; third, advanced digital technology rapidly develops in this Century. Almost everyone owns an IPOD or IPHONE now, even in the faraway country-side, thus making all people phubbers. I facing these challenges, Catholic Church has already done a lot of positive responses, however, there are still spaces in which she can do more in prophetically identifying "the signs of the times." This being said, what Vatican II has achieved still contains a lot of truths, inspiring for today's world of postmodernism, globalization and advanced technology. Therefore, the term "after" I use has both temporal and paradigmatic meanings. In order to illustrate the effort made by Catholic Church on the task of her indigenization in the context of Chinese culture, this paper will discuss the efforts made by contemporary Chinese Neo-Scholastic philosophers in synthesizing Chinese culture with Christianity. In its concluding part, this paper will attempt several suggestions on both theoretical and practical matters.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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