


On the Principal Leadership of Taiwan Catholic High Schools as Informed by the Declaration on Christian Education


鍾蔚玲(Wei-Ling Tchong)


天主教學校 ; 神職校長 ; 平信徒校長 ; 服務領導 ; Catholic Schools ; Priest Principal ; Lay Principal ; Servant-Leadership




43卷2期(2016 / 02 / 01)


75 - 100




《天主教教育宣言》強調學校團體應是充滿福音精神之教育園地,並成為全人教育之最佳場域。迄今,臺灣天主教中學透過校長有效之領導達成福傳使命。筆者以Greenleaf 的服務理論為基礎,說明天主教學校的領導者特質,並引述天主教學校核心價值之呈現。本研究先說明臺灣天主教學校之發展史,天主教學校特色,領導者由神職人員或修女轉為平信徒,再經由文獻探討說明服務領導;透過問卷量化研究做出結論,最後做出相關之建議。


Declaration of Christian Education emphasizes schools should be the place full of the spirit of the Gospel, and become the best field of holistic education. So far, the presidents of Catholic Secondary Schools achieve the mission of evangelization through effective leadership in Taiwan. The researcher explain the characters of Catholic schools base on Greenleaf’s servant-leadership theory, and quoting the core values of Catholic school. This study described the history of the development of Taiwan's Catholic schools, from the clergy or nun leaders transfer to the laity, and then explored the significance of Servant-leadership and core values of Catholic schools through literature review. Finally, through quantitative research by questionnaires the researcher made conclusion and recommendations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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