


An Analysis of Buddhist View on Human Cloning


姚富全(Fu-Chuan Yao)


複製人 ; 悲智 ; 佛教倫理 ; Human Cloning ; Sorrow Wisdom ; Buddhist Ethics




43卷4期(2016 / 04 / 01)


157 - 180




基於複製人的問題將會對人類本身及社會產生重大的衝擊和影響,佛教學術界是不該漠視此議題的。因此佛教如何看待複製人是一個值得探討的學術及應用議題。況且,佛教如想強調「學術實踐上的人間佛教」,那對應用倫理的問題(如複製人)更是不能漠視。本文主要目的是想解析佛教對複製人議題的觀點。複製人的問題在1997 年Dolly 羊被複製出來後,東西方大多數的學術界或一般大眾皆有廣泛的討論。不過,比較特殊的是東西方的佛教學者對此議題是欠缺較深入的討論及分析批判。因就個人所見,佛教學術界對複製人議題的討論,大多數都是簡短的各自表述,而較無深入分析或批判其他∕她人論述觀點的適當性。所以,本文除了檢視並批論九位佛教學者所提出的觀點,以及將支持及反對複製人的理由作一整理外,另外是想從佛教菩薩的悲智(或智慧)而提出一個基本問題「為何要作複製人?」及一個與佛教相關的問題「作複製人與解脫得涅槃有何關係?」,而來檢視一些支持複製人的理由。最終本文的立場是:佛教基本上是不該支持複製人的。而這與本文所檢視的大多數學者之支持觀點是不同的。最後,希望藉由本文的解析及討論,不僅能讓佛界學術界釐清是該支持還是拒絕作複製人,同時也是跨出「學術實踐上的人間佛教」的一小步。此外,也冀望能讓我們對複製人這個議題本身有更清楚的認識和理解。


Given the importance of human cloning and its impact on humans and the society, academic Buddhists should not ignore this issue. So this project is worth investigating academically. Furthermore, if Buddhists want to emphasize academic "engaged Buddhism," they have to face the problems in applies ethics such as human cloning. This paper is to analyze and evaluate nine Buddhists’ view on human cloning. After the cloning of Dolly sheep in 1997, there are many discussions on the issue of human cloning. However, there are not too many critical analyses and discussions among the East and West Buddhist academic community. For given my best knowledge, almost all I have seen are individual uncritical expressions on human cloning. So besides criticizing the nine scholars’ view and listing the main reasons for and against human cloning, we, based on Buddhist sorrow wisdom, raise two related questions-"Why do we want to do human cloning?" and "What is the connection between Buddhist nirvana and human cloning?"-to inspect human cloning. Our conclusion is that Buddhists should oppose rather than support human cloning. Finally, we hope to clarify the Buddhist position on human cloning, to take a small step out of Buddhist academia, and to understand the issue of human cloning better through the analysis.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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