Given the importance of human cloning and its impact on humans and the society, academic Buddhists should not ignore this issue. So this project is worth investigating academically. Furthermore, if Buddhists want to emphasize academic "engaged Buddhism," they have to face the problems in applies ethics such as human cloning. This paper is to analyze and evaluate nine Buddhists’ view on human cloning. After the cloning of Dolly sheep in 1997, there are many discussions on the issue of human cloning. However, there are not too many critical analyses and discussions among the East and West Buddhist academic community. For given my best knowledge, almost all I have seen are individual uncritical expressions on human cloning. So besides criticizing the nine scholars’ view and listing the main reasons for and against human cloning, we, based on Buddhist sorrow wisdom, raise two related questions-"Why do we want to do human cloning?" and "What is the connection between Buddhist nirvana and human cloning?"-to inspect human cloning. Our conclusion is that Buddhists should oppose rather than support human cloning. Finally, we hope to clarify the Buddhist position on human cloning, to take a small step out of Buddhist academia, and to understand the issue of human cloning better through the analysis.
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