
透過「無然觀」看中國哲學方法論--How Can I Use Nothing?


Methodologies of Chinese Philosophy through the View Point of Woo-Ran (無然觀)


南相鎬(Sang-Ho Nam)


存在之陷阱 ; 概念之陷阱 ; 無然觀 ; 方法論的世界觀 ; 因中有果論 ; 詩的方法 ; 太元 ; Pitfalls of Existence ; Pitfalls of Concepts ; View Point ofWoo-Ran ; Methodological Worldview ; Satka-ryava-da ; Poetic Method ; The Great Point




43卷8期(2016 / 08 / 01)


113 - 132






The key premise of ontology is that the existence of noumenon is unrefuted. Therefore, the ontological realm of philosophy is subject to the "pitfalls of existence." Likewise, philosophical concepts derived from notions of infinity, entirety, necessity, and absoluteness cannot be replaced with any other term. Therefore, the ontological realm of philosophy is also subject to the "pitfalls of concepts." However, if we approach objects through a methodological worldview which begins by asking the question of "how," all objects can be viewed through the lens of a uniform method. If we were to rely paradoxically on nothingness (無), a methodological worldview such as the view point of Woo-Ran (無然觀) can be achieved. The view point of Woo-Ran which begins with the question of how is not premised on existence at the outset. It is therefore fundamentally free from the pitfalls of existence because the core of this viewpoint is the denial of existence. Furthermore, under this view, existing concepts and derivative philosophies can also be viewed as a one of many methods. As a result, the methodological worldview is also free from the pitfalls of concepts.

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