


A Study on the Function and Evolution of “Danshu” in Spring and Autumn Warring States Period


劉全志(Quan-Zhi Liu)


丹書 ; 五德終始 ; 《武王踐阼》 ; 《侯馬盟書》 ; 功能 ; 衍變 ; Danshu ; The Cyclic Revolution of Five Virtues ; Wu Wang Jian Zuo ; Houma Covenant Tablets ; Function ; Evolution




43卷9期(2016 / 09 / 01)


177 - 190






The reason that "Danshu" frequently appeared in the Qin and Han society, is that the basis could be traced back to the form and function of "Danshu" in Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. "Danshu" included three forms in the development of Spring and Autumn Warring States Period: "Danshu" of the oath of alliance in Spring and Autumn Period, "Danshu" of the philosophers in Warring States, "Danshu" of the cyclic revolution of Five Virtues. "Danshu" of the oath of alliance was the starting point of this process, which was written by man and presented to the gods as offerings; The philosophers of Warring States had changed the using way of "Danshu": the words written by man turned into the text written by saints and ancient kings, and became textbooks of saints admonishing man; then the theory of the cyclic revolution of Five Virtues used "Danshu" to express the will of gods, that is, the gods wrote "Danshu" and declared to man, and then, the legend of "red bird's mouth carrying Danshu" appeared. From Spring and Autumn to Warring States, "Danshu" became from the text presented to the gods as offerings to means of the gods declaring their will to man.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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