Metaphysics as first philosophy is the ultimate problematic of western philosophy. Metaphysical truth originates with the thought of ancient Greek, and establishes the speculative tradition of western philosophy. The theme of Peter Kun Yu Woo's Dao in Zhuangzi and Ancient Greek Philosophy is metaphysics, moving from ancient Chinese thought to ancient Greek philosophy, unfolding the comparative research of history of idea (Begriffsgeschichtlicher Vergleich), trying to construct the different metaphysical systems. The Way of Transcendence and the Way of Immanence are two different approaches of metaphysics. The dialectics of these two ways constitutes the deep structure of the metaphysical thoughts. This article focuses on analyzing Parmenides, Heraclites, and Zhuangzi, elucidates their metaphysical systems and overlapped intertextualities, and try to unconceal the significance of Peter Woo's work.