


The Yellow Book and the Modern Transition of the Political Thought of China in Late Qing Dynasty


彭傳華(Chuan-Hua Peng)


王船山 ; 《黃書》 ; 治世聖王 ; 民族始祖 ; 近代轉型 ; Chuanshan Wang ; The Yellow Book ; Great Ruler ; TheEarliest Ancestor of the Chinese Nation ; The Modern Transition




43卷10期(2016 / 10 / 01)


25 - 41






In The Yellow Book, not only did Chuanshan Wang create the image of Emperor Yellow in accordance with the description of him by the historians in the past, but he also highlighted his portrait of Emperor Yellow as the earliest ancestor of the Chinese nation and as a wise emperor with profound ruling philosophy. Therefore, The Yellow Book became an important ideological resource that the anti-Qing nation (referring to the Hans) in late Qing dynasty used to win political support among people for the sake of nation construction. Mainly by drawing on the image of Emperor Yellow as a great ruler whose successful governing had been called "the government of Xuanyuan," as was depicted in The Yellow Book, the Weixin Group (or the Reformists) sorted out and adopted the ruling philosophy presented in "the government of Xuanyuan," in an attempt to making it the theoretical basis for the advocacy of rights of people and the implementation of constitutional monarchy so that they could go on looking forward to the prospect of "Xuanyuan's great political plan"; while the Revolutionary Group mainly drew on the image of Emperor Yellow as the earliest ancestor of the Chinese nation who "fought against alien nations" in order to "maintain the government of the central China," and they borrowed from The Yellow Book the ideas that "nations should defend themselves against invasions," that "one nation governs China" and that "the throne can be abdicated, succeeded or overthrown, but mustn't be gained by alien nations " which were regarded as the ideological weapon for the anti-Manchu revolution, so that The Yellow Book became the Revolutionary Group's treasured weapon for their practice in winning people's hearts, in imposing their ideas of the distinctions among nations, and in gaining people's recognition of the legitimate ruling nation so as to fight against the invasion and the government of alien nations. Therefore, The Yellow Book has great historical significance in the political thought of China, being an important indigenous ideological resource that both the Weixin Group and the Revolutionary Group used for reference in completing the modern transition of the political thought of China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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