


Flipped Education by Philosophical Counseling and Digital Technology


許鶴齡(Ho-Ling HSU)


哲學諮商 ; 蘇格拉底對話法 ; 邏輯基礎療法 ; 翻轉教學 ; 數位科技 ; Philosophical Counseling ; Socratic Dialogue Method ; Logic-Based Therapy ; Flipped Education ; Digital Technology




44卷5期(2017 / 05 / 01)


109 - 126




近年在臺灣教育界一直討論的翻轉教育,不論是臺大葉丙成教授的《為未來而教》或中山女中張輝誠提出的「學思達」教學法,可以看到對教育的反思與教學活動進行,實側重涵養學生對問題思辨能力。在面對這股教育轉變浪潮中,又碰到高等教育因少子女化帶來生源不足,衍生併關系校等問題,此種情形的前哨站,首波發生在對應職涯的冷門系所,無怪乎輔仁大學哲學系尤煌傑教授在FB 發表一篇「一個令哲學系最不堪的日子」,對於哲學專業科系現況憂心與不忍。實際上,在上述兩種反差中,卻讓我們看到如何面對哲學的困境,同時也看到哲思在數位科技處境中能有的出路為何。本文在上述的背景下,討論何謂翻轉教學,以及如何用哲學諮商(蘇格拉底對話法、邏輯基礎療法)與數位科技(Zuvio、Evercam、MOOCs、影片)工具進行翻轉教學。希望藉由本文的討論,看到哲學與科技、生命及教育的對話,呈顯哲學的時代性與重要性。本文除前言與結語外,共分為四個面向予以探究:一、哲學困境與3C 世代,二、學習金字塔與翻轉教學,三、哲學諮商與大腦工程,四、數位科技與數據運用。


Flipped Education emphasizes the cultivation of students' various capabilities in problem solving and logic reasoning. The purpose of flipped education functions to promote reversing traditional learning environments by utilizing digital technological tools and activities. Recently, in Taiwan's educational systems, this type of teaching method has been a heated topic. Two famous cases promoting flipped education are: "Teach for the future" by Professor Bing-Cheng Ye of National Taiwan University, and "Learn-Think-Go" teaching method conducted by Hui-Cheng Zhang of Zhong-Shan Girl's Senior High School. This new wave of teaching method has rose from the horizon as a solution for universities across the country to combat the decreasing number of freshmen students, which is majorly influenced by the low birth rate in Taiwan in the last two decades. The first impact by Taiwan's decreasing birth rate is reflected in this student inadequacy phenomenon occurring in higher education institutes leading to the elimination or merging of majors/departments, as well as merging/closing of colleges and universities. Among those eliminated majors are those related to limited or "unpopular" careers. Professor Huang-Jie You from the Department of Philosophy at Fu-Jen Catholic University has expressed his concern in a personal Facebook posting, titled "A day of predicament for the major of philosophy". In his article, Professor You expressed his worries for the awkward situation that the philosophy major/department presently face in Taiwan's higher education. In actuality, we may be able to have a glimpse of a way to face the current difficulties in carrying out the education of philosophy, as well as discovering the survival of philosophical thinking among the medium of digital technology as the future proceeds. Based on above, this article will attempt to discuss what the Flipped Teaching entails, as well as how to carry out Flipped Teaching based on Philosophical Counseling (Socratic dialogue method, Logic-based Therapy) and utilizing digital technology tools (Zuvio, Evercam, MOOCs, films) to conduct Flipped Teaching. It We also hope to specify the epochal significance of philosophy through the promotion of possible dialogues between philosophy and technology, as well as between life and education, there are This paper will research into the above proposed topic from four perspective: (1) philosophical predicament and 3C generation, (2) learning pyramid and Flipped Teachin, (3) Philosophical Counseling and brain engineering, (4) digital technology and its application.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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