


Homecoming of Life: The Transformation of Southeast Asia Chinese' Sense of Ancestral Bond-An Analysis of the Hokkien Cemetary in Kuala Lumpur


宋燕鵬(Yanpeng SONG);潘碧絲(Pik Shy FAN)


華人籍貫 ; 鄉土認同 ; 演變 ; 吉隆坡 ; 福建義山 ; 墓碑 ; Chinese Native Place ; Identity ; Evolution ; Kuala Lumpur ; Hokkien Cemetery ; Tombstone




44卷5期(2017 / 05 / 01)


25 - 42




「籍貫」一詞的本意為個人或群體自身出生或祖居的地方。籍貫認同是源自於天然血脈的感情聯繫,與生俱來,並根植於人的內心,是難以捨棄的一種心理情感。原生性理論(Primordial Ties)認為一個人生長在一個群體中會獲得一些既定的血緣、語言、宗教、習俗,而這些根基性使一個人與群體其他成員凝聚在一起。籍貫意識是中國人頭腦中根深蒂固的觀念,即使遠離故土,歷經滄桑,這種意識也不會因此消逝,反而愈加強烈堅固。馬來西亞華人對祖籍地認同有著千絲萬縷的情感,即便已離開人世也要表達生前的地域身份。因此在馬來西亞華人墓碑上鐫刻籍貫的格式是最普遍的現象。本文分析吉隆坡華人墓碑上的籍貫,略窺20 世紀馬來西亞半島福建人籍貫意識的演變。


"Native / ancestral roots" is a term commonly used to describe a person or people's place of birth or domicile. This concept is derived from a strong emotional bond linked to natural bloodline, which is presumed to be inborn, and rooted in the human heart, hence is a form of psychological sentiment that is difficult to eradicate. Primordial Ties argues that by growing up in a group, a person acquires a set of blood association, language, religion, and customs that bind a him or her to the rest of the group. Native consciousness is ingrained in the Chinese's mindset, even when far away from home, and through the changes of life, this awareness do not disappear, as a matter of fact, it may grow even stronger. The Malaysian Chinese relationship to their ancestral home is also linked by such emotions. Even when passing away in a foreign land, they would still express a sense of belonging to their land of birth. For this reason, style of engraving from the mainland is commonly found on the Chinese tombstone in Malaysia. This paper is an analysis of the Chinese tombstone in Kuala Lumpur, and a study of the transformation in ancestral sentiments of the Hokkien people in Peninsular Malaysia during the 20th century.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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