


Naturalism or Personalism: On Husserl's Theory of the Other and its Critique


羅志達(Zhida LUO)


相似性 ; 類比統覺 ; 表達統一體 ; 自然主義 ; 人格主義 ; Similarity ; Analogizing Apperception ; Expressive Unity ; Naturalism ; Personalism




44卷7期(2017 / 07 / 01)


179 - 195






Husserl's constitutional theory of the Other plays an important role in his philosophy, yet it also incurs lots of criticisms. Many commentators such as Alfred Schutz argue that Husserl's theory of the Other is in fact unsuccessful in that they find it ultimately presupposes a sort of naturalism that is in principle incompatible with Husserl's transcendentalism. This paper replies this criticism by taking stock at Husserl's theory of the Other as it is developed in texts such as Ideas II. I argue that, contrary to naturalism, Husserl actually develops a personalistic theory of the Other, according to which the Other's body is given as an "expressive unity" rather than a mere physical body, and empathic experience is an original and direct perception rather than a fictive consciousness, and personalism thus understood lays ground for naturalism and is compatible with Husserl's transcendentalism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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