


Starting from the Language of the Holy: The Genesis and Development of Riceour's Hermeneutics as Circle or Detour of the Myths


陸敬忠(Jing-Jong LUH)


呂格爾 ; 神話 ; 詮釋學 ; 宗教哲學 ; 體系性 ; Ricoeur ; Myth ; Hermeneutics ; Philosophy of Religion ; Systematics




44卷7期(2017 / 07 / 01)


3 - 23






Western philosophy, especially the European continental philosophy, has entered into the so-called hermeneutic turn since the twentieth century, but has it also happened in the philosophy of religion? Under the context of this hermeneutic-philosophical turn, this essay attempts to explore the main thinking of Ricoeur's hermeneutics, which contains most of the Christian religious and theological character, in order to reveal its (Ricoeur's hermeneutics) potential for the hermeneutic turn in the philosophy of religion. Ricoeur's hermeneutics shall be presented in essential outline: Starting with the problem of the language of the Holy, which is disclosed from the religious-anthropological question of the fragile nature of human will, Ricoeur's thinking advances from the symbolism of evil, expressly from the primary myths, and turns to the hermeneutic philosophy, i.e., he progresses from phenomenology of religion to the hermeneutics of symbolism. From this, therefore, his development to the hermeneutics of text, and accordingly to the hermeneutics of metaphor, and eventually to the hermeneutics of narrative and thus the event of circle of myths, can also be systematically summarized. Finally, it will try to open possible inspiration from Ricoeur's hermeneutics for the hermeneutic turn of philosophy of religion under the framework of systemic hermeneutics as meta-theory.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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