


Textual Research on Criminal Laws in Hou Fu


李若暉(Ruohui LI)


《厚父》 ; 《尚書》 ; 典刑 ; 墨家 ; Hou Fu ; Book of Documents ; Penalty of Codes ; Mohism




44卷10期(2017 / 10 / 01)


63 - 79






Hou Fu, The fifth volume of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips, is mainly about the history of the Xia Dynasty which can be served as a supplement to the historical gap in this dynasty. It's said that Hou Fu was a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to a civil official named Hou Fu, a survivor of the conquered Xia Dynasty. It mainly narrated the process of Tang launched a righteous revolt to fight against the Xia Dynasty and then founded the Shang Dynasty. Besides, it referred Yu the Great who dredged the Yellow River and then founded the Xia Dynasty. The governing plans mentioned in Hou Fu can't be compared with the nine plans of Hong Fan, though it imitated the latter's style in the beginning. In my opinion, it was completed in the Warring States period, neither a part of the historical records of the Zhou Dynasty nor the chapters deleted by Confucius in Book of Documents. Zhugongxu claimed that Yu the Great was appointed by God to dredge the Yellow River at first while afterwards it stressed on the importance of benevolent governance, which was actually another manifestation of the rites of the Zhou Dynasty. On the contrary, Hou Fu attached more importance to punishment than to virtues when it comes to country governance. Only those who carry forward the impartiality of Gao Yao and advocate the punishment like Kong Jia can be a great sage. Discourses of the States held it that the Xia Dynasty began to go downhill since King Kong Jia came into power, while Hou Fu claimed the opposite. Though Mohists can recite Book of Odes and Book of Documents as fluently as Confucianists, they abandoned the rites of Zhou and followed the tradition of the Xia Dynasty. Fu Tun, the Juzi (literally, "chisel"-- an image from craft making) of Mohism, scrupulously abided by the doctrine as a Mohist before King Hui of Qin State. Mohists in the Qin state who had the Confucian classics at their fingertips cited the traditions of the XiaDynasty to stress the importance of punishment, and then Hou Fu came out. Chao Cuo inherited the thought of Book of Documents and restricted the development of business, which was not originated from Confucius but Hou Fu written by Mohists in the Qin state.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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