


The Problems on the Issues of Chinese Clergymen's Status and of Their Eventual Promotion to Local Episcopacy: Study on the Reports of Jean de Guébriant M.E.P., Apostolic Visitor to China


陳聰銘(Alexandre Tsung-Ming CHEN)


光若翰 ; 中國民族主義 ; 西方人種族優越感 ; 法國保教權 ; Jean de Guébriant ; Chinese Nationalism ; Superiority of Whitemen ; French Protectorate




44卷11期(2017 / 11 / 01)


83 - 108




教廷為了更加瞭解中國傳教區的情況,於1919年7月22日正式任命廣州代牧光若翰(Jean-Baptiste Budes de Guébriant, M.E.P., 1860-1935)為教務巡閱使,並擬定一問卷,在他考察中國教務時訪察各方相關意見。他的行程自1919年9月15日至翌年3月12日為止。本研究鎖定該問卷中中國籍教士的地位以及擢升國籍主教兩議題,筆者透過光若翰呈教廷傳信部的報告中,爬梳受訪人就相關問題提出看法,另也分析各地國籍教士、修生和教徒多人主動投函提供的意見。本研究的目的在於分析傳教士與國籍教士、教徒和光若翰本人對這兩項關乎中國天主教會發展的重大問題之看法,以及他們之間意見異同與衝突點,探討在當時民族意識高漲的時代背景下,這些問題對整體中國天主教傳教活動、國籍教士和傳教士互動之影響,並找出問題癥結所在:許多西方傳教士傾向於固守舊體制,並懷有某程度的種族優越感。結論中,筆者指出教廷對相關問題與在華傳教士不僅看法不同,且堅持進行改革,支持並提升國籍教士的地位,以圖解決傳教士長期壟斷中國傳教活動造成的教會發展問題。


On July 22, 1919, the Holy See nominated Jean-Baptiste Budes de Guébriant, M.E.P. (光若翰, 1860-1935) for a mandate of apostolic visitor in order to understand better the situation of Chinese Catholic Missions. During his trip of visits dated from September 15, 1919 to March 12, 1920, he distributed a questionnaire, elaborated by the Holy See, to all concerned persons in each Missions. This study focuses on two issues: the Chinese clergymen's status in the Catholic Missions and their eventual promotion to episcopacy, through Jean de Guébriant's reports destined to Propaganda fide in Roman Curia. We proceed on analyzing the correspondences of several interviewees throughout the country, including Chinese clergymen, seminarians and faithful, who took initiative to express their point of view on the questionnaire. This study aims to analyze the opinion of missionaries, Chinese clergy, faithful and Jean de Guébriant in person on the two key issues related to the Chinese Catholicism's development as well as their differences of their opinions and consequent conflicts. It spotlights how these problems affected, in the context of the rising nationalism, the whole Chinese Catholic Missions and the clergymen's interactions and discovers their ultimate source: missionaries' conservatism and a certain extent the superiority of the White men in their mind. We conclude that the Holy See not only differently conceived from the missionaries, but also insisted on undertaking reforms by promoting the status of the Chinese clergy, in order to resolve the problems due to the missionaries' long-term monopoly in Catholic Missions in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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