


An exploration and analysis on Rural Governing Thoughts about Wang Yang-ming's Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi


彭傳華(Chuanhua PENG)


王陽明 ; 《南贛鄉約》 ; 善惡觀 ; 鄉治思想 ; 歷史局限 ; Wang Yang-ming ; Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi ; The Good and Evil View ; Rural Governing Thoughts ; Historical Limitations




45卷4期(2018 / 04 / 01)


5 - 17






Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi is one of important representative covenants of ancient China, and the study of Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi has typical significance to understanding rural governing thoughts of ancient China. The thought of Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi originates from the Three Books on Rites, especially from the Rites of Zhou, incorporating some of the ideas of "Lv's Township Covenants" and "Six Ways of Speech of Imperial Decree" in Hongwu Period, while Yang-ming's Philosophy of the Mind is the theoretical basis of Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi. The purport of Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi lies in establishing the Mind of Man and making people simple and honest. The good and evil view of practicing good and removing evil of Wang Yang-ming especially becomes the spiritual core of its rural governing thoughts. Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi has an important influence in the history, but it has inevitable historical limitations. Although Township Covenants of Southern Jiangxi advocates rural autonomy, it turns a blind eye to the rationality and legitimacy of the violent state organs in the process of rehabilitating villages to form a good rural order, thus greatly squeezing the free spaces for common people and providing more possibilities for the expansion of the evil forces.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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