In Chinese painting as well as in Chinese calligraphy, especially in cursive script (caoshu), what is appreciated and valued is not a completed drawing considered as such, that means a drawing not needing any other interpretation, meaning enough by itself and sufficiently explicit not to occur any confusion or debate. On the contrary, it is a draft or an unfinished drawing or outline, allowing varied interpretations, appreciated according to its capacity to stimulate imagination and to produce an effect on the beholder that connects him or her to the creation. Though what is appreciated and valued is not the sketch for something that would come later. This might explain why artworks are called "traces", and how they can "imprint" human's heart. The paper will examine, through the Chinese aesthetic categories-that concern the process much more than the accomplished work result-the differences between the Renaissance's disegno and the Chinese literati's "intention", the meaning of a "drawing" in French and in English on the one hand, and on the other hand the meaning of an "artwork", a "sketch", a "draft" in the Chinese arts. The draft will also be examined together with the "trace" (ji) and the "imprint" (yin), such as it has been defined by Georges Didi-Huberman in his La ressemblance par contact (2008) (resemblance by contact), by using Chinese theoretical tradition texts, such as Zhang Yanyuan's Annals of Famous painters of Successive Dynasties (Lidai minghua ji), Zhang Huaiguan's Judgements on Calligraphers (Shuduan), Guo Ruoxu's Notes on what I have Heard and Seen on Painting (Tuhua jianwen zhi) and Shen Zongqian's Jiezhou's Apprenticeship on Painting (Jiezhou xuehua bian).
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