This paper takes the treatise "Hing-shou" (〈性說〉, on human nature) written by Mathias Hsia (夏大常) and Three Kinds of Knowledge (《三知論》) written by Cardinal Paul Yü Pin (于斌) as examples to discuss the conversation between Chinese Neo-Scholasticism and Chinese philosophy. First of all, Mathias Hsia discussed the metaphysics from the viewpoint of human nature theory, and indicated that understanding the spiritual nature of man can understand God. On the other hand, Cardinal Paul Yü Pin discussed the metaphysics from the viewpoint of theory of Knowledge. That is to say, understanding the knowledge of environment can understand the knowledge of person and God. Since Mathias Hsia and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin discussed the metaphysics from different viewpoint, this paper tries to find out the basis of their viewpoint. Secondly, Mathias Hsia and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin had different perspectives on Xhu Xi's thought. Mathias Hsia indicated that Xhu Xi did not understand the spiritual nature clearly, and criticized Xhu Xi's li-qi theory (理氣論, "li", 理, the principle; "qi", 氣, the phenomena) from the viewpoint of human nature theory. In contrast, Cardinal Paul Yü Pin admired "Ge-wu Xhi-zhi" (格物致知, investigating things and extending knowledge) proposed by Xhu Xi through the viewpoint of theory of knowledge, since the concept of "Ge-wu Xhi-zhi" can lead up to the broad-scale science, and comprehend three kinds of knowledge. There are two problematics in this paper: (1) Although the viewpoints are different, the purpose of Mathias Hsia's "Hing-shou" and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin's Three Kinds of Knowledge is the comprehension of metaphysics (understanding Heaven). What is the basis of their different viewpoints? (2) Under different perspectives on Xhu Xi's thought, can Mathias Hsia's "Hing-shou" and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin's Three Kinds of Knowledge be assimilated together? First of all, this paper summarizes the viewpoint of Mathias Hsia's "Hing-shou" and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin's Three Kinds of Knowledge. The concept of spiritual nature is the junction of Mathias Hsia's "Hing-shou". The concept of "Ge-wu Xhi-zhi" (格物致知) advocated by Cardinal Paul Yü Pin can be also known as that of "the three kinds of knowledge" in ancient Chinese thought. Secondly, by returning to the original classics, Mathias Hsia discussed the spiritual nature from the perspective of " 盡心" ("jìn-xīn", exhausting all one's mental constitution), "知性" ("zhī- xìng", knowing one's nature), and "知天" ("zhī- tiān", knowing Heaven) mentioned in Mengzi (《孟子》, The Mencius , or the book of Master Meng). In the other hand, Cardinal Paul Yü Pin discussed the knowledge of broad scale science on the basis of the Daxue (《大學》, the Great Learning) and the Zhongyong (《中庸》, the Doctrine of the Mean). Then, by re-analyzing and re-interoperating related Chinese classics, this paper discussed the possibility of assimilating Mathias Hsia's "Hing-shou" and Cardinal Paul Yü Pin's Three Kinds of Knowledge. In conclusion, this paper indicates the conversation between Chinese Neo-Scholasticism and Chinese philosophy. The purpose of both Chinese Neo-Scholasticism and Chinese philosophy is to understand Heaven, and the key to their assimilation is "understanding spiritual nature".