


Exploring the Flip Teaching Mode of Huayan Indra's Net and "World Café"


許鶴齡(Ho-Ling HSU)


世界咖啡館 ; 翻轉 ; 因陀羅網 ; PBL ; 善財 ; World Café ; Flip ; Indra's Net ; PBL ; Sudhana




46卷6期(2019 / 06 / 01)


103 - 123






In response to social change and scientific and technological progress, the students change their learning styles, and adjust and reflect on the teaching content and methods of the teaching field to enhance students' learning outcomes. The general education curriculum is based on the "more" of the different departments of the school. How to solve the "one" that the big class teaching can not take into account the differences of individual learners, and increase the interaction between teachers and students "one-to-many" and "many-to-many" Dialogue, try to bring the "World Café" large-scale group meeting to the coffee table table-by-table discussion mode, and bring it into the flip teaching mode of the general education curriculum practice drill. And from the teaching practice, we also noticed the operation process of the "World Café" and the shadow of Buddhism Huayan "Indra's Net," all the pearls and shadows of all the beads and all the shadows. There are endless pearly negotiations, and the whole, harmonious mind.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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