Liu Zong-zhou considers "diversions" to be the major problems with the interpretations of The Great Learning by Zhu Xi, Wang Yang-ming and his followers. These diversions can be seen in their concepts about Ge Wu Zhi Zhi (investigation of things and acquisition of knowledge) and Cheng Yi Zheng Xin (sincerity of the will and correction of the mind), including Zhu Xi's "Ge Wu Qiong Li" and A Supplementary Commentary On Ge Wu Zhi Zhi as well as Wang's theories about extension of innate knowledge and the four dicta. To resolve Zhu's and Wang's diversions from the themes of The Great Learning, based on its original text, Liu Zong-zhou understands comprehensively the three principles, eight clauses along with knowledge and affairs from The Great Learning and reorganizes and constructs the relationship between Neo-Confucianism and the doctrine of mind with "coherent" methodological consciousness through the concepts of "knowing the root, knowing where to stop and extending knowledge" regarding the central issue of essence as moral knowledge.