


The Way of The Golden Mean: Zhu Xi's Extensions Thereof in His Treatment of Doctrine of The Mean


朱漢民(Hanmin ZHU)


朱熹 ; 《中庸》學 ; 中庸之道 ; 天理 ; Zhu Xi ; Doctrine of the Mean ; Way of the Golden Mean ; Cosmic Principle




46卷7期(2019 / 07 / 01)


101 - 114






In early Ruist canonical texts, the Way of the Golden Mean (zhongyong zhi dao) was embodied in a type of practical wisdom and virtue, the "mean" ("zhong") part of which took as its conspicuous characteristics the unification of knowledge and action, of the subjective and the objective, of the heavenly and the human. Construal of "mean" as "cosmic principle" was the obvious hallmark and important legacy of Zhu Xi's treatment of Doctrine of the Mean, therein taking "cosmic principle" as warrant for a creative exegesis of the Way of the Golden Mean as it appeared in the original canon. By way of this construal of "mean" as "cosmic principle," Zhu Xi arrived at epistemic rationality as an extension of the incorporation of knowledge and action; at subjective spirituality as an extension of the interaction between the subjective and the objective; and at a philosophical system of subsumption of both the heavenly and human under the one cosmic principle, this system having been constructed from a spiritual realisation of the unification of the heavenly and the human. By way of a series of creative exegeses of Doctrine of the Mean, Zhu Xi gave impetus to the creative advance and theoretical construction of the Ruist doctrine of the Way of the Golden Mean, thereby enhancing the philosophical standing of the Way of the Golden Mean, with the concomitant effect that the Doctrine of the Mean subsequently became one of the core classics of Chinese civilisation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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