


Whether Missa is Sacrifice or Not: Research on a Restrained Topic in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty


王定安(Dingan WANG)


彌撒 ; 祭祀 ; 中道 ; 比較經學 ; Missa ; Sacrifice ; The Golden Mean / Zhong Yong ; Comparative Scripture




46卷10期(2019 / 10 / 01)


103 - 120






During Chinese Rites Controversy on Sacrifices in Late Ming and Early Qing dynasty, the counterclaim judged Confucian sacrifices in the frame of Missa. While those defenders could not break through the bondage from the sole legitimate object of worship, therefore they had to separate Confucian sacrifices from Missa and claimed them irrelevant. While the topic "whether Missa is sacrifice or not" was under heated debated in Europe, it was restrained in China. Nowadays, from the perspective of "comparative scripture" research, we can see there was sanctity demonstrated both in the "mode" of Christianity and in Confucianism. As to the "object", the difference manifested as "real presence" and "as if presence", is just the demonstration of two kinds of relationships between gods and human being. We also can see both in the system of theology and the system of Confucian scripture, the points of the "Golden mean / Zhong yong" lie in rites, of which sacrifice is one of the most important part.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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