The modern transformation of Mohism is an important direction for the research and study of Mohism in Chinese and foreign academic circles. It is generally believed that this topic was taken up seriously in the Chinese academic community following publication in Liang Qichao's "Mo Zi Xue Shuo" in 1904. In fact, as early as the middle of the 19th century, missionaries-sinologists who came to China in the late Qing Dynasty had already begun the modern reconstruction of Mohism, but they seldom received much attention. By analyzing "Notices of the Character and Writings of Meh Tsï" authored by Joseph Edkins in 1858 using the theory of reconstruction of hermeneutics, three topics extracted from the article, including the relationship between Confucianism and Mohism, Jian'ai and love in Christianity, and whether Mohism is Utilitarianism are discussed. The topics are believed to be the core issues in the research on the Modernization of Mohism since the onset of the 20th century. By comparing the viewpoints between Joseph Edkins and his contemporary intelligentsia in China, as well as analyzing his academic experience, understanding, and achievements, the progression of the scholar's thoughts as well the structure of his reasoning, motivation, and conclusions can be better understood. From the perspective of global history, his research on Mohism exemplified the interaction between religion and knowledge around the world in the 19^(th) century. Since Joseph Edkins, Mohism, as another aspect of the diversity of ancient Chinese thought, introduced to the European intelligentsia.
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