The generative history of Hegel's dialectics shows that it is closely related to two kinds of philosophical paradigm shift: one is from the paradigm of metaphysics of substance to the paradigm of philosophy of spirit, and the other is from systematical philosophy to systemic philosophizing. This article attempts to investigate this generative history from both dimension of the original text and the thinking way. First of all, it shall reveal the major turning point in its philosophy during the middle Jena period, that is, in the transition from the substance to the spirit paradigm, and indicate the shift from systematical thought to systemic thinking. Then it will point out the genesis of philosophical idea of the absolute spirit and its dialectical relationship with the phenomenology of natural consciousness in the later period of Jena. This could disclose the core idea of Hegel's Philosophy: Hegel's dialectics as a systemic way of thinking is the presentation way of the absolute spirit to the limited subject.
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