Cardinal Yü Pin advocated the university's motto of truth, goodness, beauty and holiness. His idea of knowledge is composed of knowledge of persons, of things and of Heaven, which is a holistic idea of education. His educational ideal is permeated with Chinese culture, as he conformed to the aim of "carrying forward Chinese culture in the spirit of the Gospels." For him, the cross-cultural communication, interaction and fusion between Catholic thought and Chinese culture is not so difficult, as he used the metaphor of "confidants" to describe the two that complement and enrich one another. He believed that Confucianism lacked the studies on transcendental "heaven" and should be reinforced by the Catholic idea of God, which can be reconciled with the Chinese idea of revering, respecting, following and responding to Heaven. Basically, Cardinal Yü Pin sought common ground among differences. Unlike some contemporary post-modern scholars who argue for heterogeneity of cultures, Yü Pin insisted on the possibilities of cross-cultural interflow and fusion. However, cross-cultural dialogues cannot be conducted without a solid foundation, which for him is the truth; as he said, "the revival of morality-from self-cultivation, to the harmony of family, nation, and even to that of the world-is the common goal for those who stand for truth and justice." Based on Cardinal Yü Pin's theory of education, this article analyzes his approach to introduce Catholic thought in education. It furtherly explains that this approach is based on Confucian philosophy, and "truth" for him is the foundation for communications among cultures. Finally, it demonstrates that the key to Cardinal Yü Pin's success in Sinicizing Catholic thought is his impartial and calm attitude toward cultural interflows.
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