Memory, history, forgetting and forgiveness are the main concepts Ricoeur explored from the late 1990s on. He approached the problem of memory from a phenomenological perspective. Beginning from the relationship between memory and imagination, and he investigated the conceptual differences between 'no longer' (ne plus) and 'have been' (avoir été) and the interrelation between individual and collective memory. He also analyzed the problem of representation in history from the perspective of epistemology, explained his concerns about historiography, and considered issues related to historical representation and questions about truth in history. While emphasizing history's prospectiveness rather than its retrospectiveness, he transgressed the framework of the epistemology of history, allowing history to intertwine with the reality of human existence. To construct the concept of latent reserve of forgetting (oubli de réserve), he appropriated methods from psychology by reflecting on the reciprocity of memory and forgetting and analyzing consciousness and unconsciousness. Referring to theories from anthropology and sociology, as well as the perspective of humanity, Ricoeur examined forgiveness as an active form of forgetting. He liberated forgiveness from the logic of the exchange economy and the cycle of revenge, and he constructed the concept of capable man (homme capable) who made impossible forgiveness possible. In this paper, I outline basic problems related to the concepts of memory, history, forgetting and forgiveness as conceived by Ricoeur from his related oeuvres. The paper's main objective is to analyze interrelations among these ideas and reconstruct Ricoeur's core concepts.
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