Background: In order to resolve disparities in specialization and roles between clinicians and patients, the so-called "Shared Decision Making (SDM)" model has been promoted since 1980, in hopes of helping patients choose the best medical treatment plan for themselves. However, the greatest challenge for this model lies in how to realize its true value and avoid merely formalistic "sharing" of medical information, and therefore reach a truly mutual understanding between clinicians and patients to achieve the goal of mutual sharing. Purpose: We will use the discussion of Da-sein (existence) in Heidegger's Being and Time, and start with the concept of time, to make up gaps with the course of Shared Decision Making in terms of how to mutually share values. Methods: Three dimensions are explored in this article, as follows: 1. What is the meaning of Heidegger's ontological difference. 2. The significance of Heidegger's account of "Time" for existence. 3. The value and effect of Heidegger's "Time" issue in Shared Decision Making. Discussion and Conclusion: As we face Shared Decision Making, Heidegger's concepts of "being-towards-death" and that "Dasein's Being finds its meaning in temporality" allow clinicians and patients to have a better understanding of the information and value orientations each other provides. Based on an understanding of the inevitability of death, patients can realistically choose medical treatments and make plans consciously at this moment; moreover, because they are able to grasp the patients' entire temporality, clinicians can also understand that patients' performance in this moment is inevitably related to their own pasts and futures, which helps clinicians to better understand and communicate.
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