


Western Discourses on Soul within Alfonso Vagnone's Huanyu Shimo and Shengui Zhengji


林熙強(Hsi-chiang LIN)


高一志 ; 《寰宇始末》 ; 《神鬼正紀》 ; 《論魂》 ; 四因說 ; 柯因布拉評論 ; 《神學大全》 ; Alfonso Vagnone ; Huanyu Shimo (Comprehensive Account of the Universe) ; Shengui Zhengji (True Recordings on Gods and Ghosts) ; De Anima ; Four Causes ; Conimbricenses ; Summa Theologiæ




47卷12期(2020 / 12 / 01)


75 - 92




明季耶穌會士東邁來華,系統性譯寫了亞里斯多德(Aristotle, 384-322 BCE)以及阿奎那(St. Thomas Aquinas, c. 1225-1274)的學說:前者以亞里斯多德作品的八部柯因布拉評論(Conimbricenses, 1592-1606)為本,後者則以阿奎那《神學大全》(Summa Theologiæ , c. 1265-1274)為宗。在這兩個龐大的翻譯脈絡之中,都可見對於靈魂的闡釋,也成為來華耶穌會士立論的思想根源之一。高一志(Alfonso Vagnone, 1566-1640)在振鐸絳州十六年間的幾部宗教文學以及倫理學譯著,較為學界熟知並已探得翻譯上的源頭,而其堪以系列觀之的幾部神哲學類著作,學界迄今並無深入研究,而這些譯著之中卻也可見西方靈魂論的內容。靈魂論的基礎詞彙如「自立∕依賴」、「質、模、作、為」四因等,在高一志的神哲學類譯著中有不少闡述,因此本文擬就四卷《神鬼正紀》與二卷《寰宇始末》論靈魂的段落入手,探討高一志譯著中的西方靈魂論痕跡。


Late-Ming European Jesuits systematically translated or reworded Aristotlian and Thomistic conceptions during their missionary enterprise in China. The source text of their Chinese translations of Aristotelian conceptions are the Conimbricenses (1592-1606), while that of Thomistic conceptions are the Summa Theologiæ (1265-1274). Throughout these two threads of translation, the explication to "souls" were widely dispersed, and become one of the ideological fons et origo of their theological arguments. During the sixteen years he missionized in Jiangzhou, Alfonso Vagnone (1566-1640) composed near twenty books by paraphrasing Western philosophical, theological, literary, ethical, rhetorical concepts into Chinese. Some of Vagnone's works, especially those related to literature, ethics, and rhetoric, were well-researched by contemporary scholars. Those related to philosophy and theology, his Huanyu Shimo and Shengui Zhengji for instance, however, are still short of in-depth investigation. Within his philosophical and theological works, Vagnone illuminated western concepts of soul with Aristotelian terms such as substance, accident, matter, form, agent, and purpose. The purpose of this paper hence is to apply paragraphs from Vagnone's Huanyu Shimo and Shengui Zhengji, to reveal the hidden tracks of Western discourses on soul.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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