


On Confucius' Deletion of the "The Book of Documents" from the Perspective of the Recent Excavated Documents


李銳(Rui LI)


《尚書》 ; 書序 ; 刪書 ; 孔子 ; 子夏 ; The Book of Documents ; The Prefaceto The Book of Documents ; The deleting of "The Book of Documents" ; Confucius




48卷3期(2021 / 03 / 01)


19 - 37






Confucius』s deleting of "The Book of Documents" closely related to his compilation of the "The Book of Documents". Confucius had selected part of the "The Book of Documents" as a teaching material, the idea that Confucius had compiled the a hundred "The Book of Documents", is spread out by his disciples after the completion of the book. In recent years, Many documents of "The Book of Documents" in the bamboo slips can help discussing the issue of the deletion of the "The Book of Documents". Mawangdui silk text "Yao" can prove that the name of "The Book of Documents" was Already existed in pre-Qin Dynasty. The key to the deletion of the "The Book of Documents" is the establishment of the "The Preface to The Book of Documents". Mr. Cheng Yuanmin has done a systematic study of this, solving many problems, but there are still some problems, such as he judged "The Preface to The Book of Documents" to be a late document, and the establishment of the the name of "The Book of Documents" to be a late thing. Based on "The Preface to The Book of Documents", it is necessory to select and complicate "The Book of Documents". Forever, the compilers have nothing to do with the later studies of Meng zi and Xunzi's disciples.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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