


Narrative Imagination, Empathy and Character Education-Taking Greek Tragedies as Examples


黃藿(Hwo HWANG)


敘事想像 ; 同理心 ; 品德教育 ; 希臘悲劇 ; Narrative Imagination ; Empathy ; Character Education ; Greek Tragedy




48卷4期(2021 / 04 / 01)


5 - 23




美國知名女性哲學家瑪莎.納斯邦(Martha Nussbaum)認為,敘事的想像是道德互動的主要準備,而同理心與設身處地的推想可培養對他人需要的同情回應。透過文學作品,無論是古希臘悲劇、現代小說、電影,或電視連續劇,都是透過敘事的想像,讓人們置身於某種人際衝突的情境中,跟隨著故事主人翁的悲歡離合遭遇,感受到同樣的悲傷、痛苦或喜悅的情緒。尤其透過悲劇的觀賞,讓人的感情與情緒都得以抒發、宣洩,並讓心靈得以從淚水中滌淨,更可能培育出完整而健全的公民品格。本文的主要論點是:悲劇的敘事與想像的功能,比僅從倫理學角度來談道德品格教育,透過悲劇的觀賞更能讓人培養出對於陌生的異己他者的同情與同理心,而且在自身的情緒與感情的抒發方面更契合人性的需求。論文架構如下:一、前言:文學的敘事想像與同理心的培養;二、古希臘悲劇的功能;三、《安蒂歌妮》劇作親情與國法衝突的敘事想像;四、結論:悲劇的敘事想像、同理心與品格教育。


Martha Nussbaum believes that narrative imagination is an essential preparation for moral interaction. Habits of empathy and conjecture conduce to a certain type of certain type of citizenship: one that cultivates sympathetic responsiveness to the needs of others. Only through the narrative imagination of literary works, whether they are ancient Greek tragedies, or modern novels, movies, people are invited to share the same situation of interpersonal conflict, the same emotions of joy, pleasure, anger, sorrow, sadness, and pain of the characters in the story. Especially, an integral and sound character can be cultivated by means of watching tragedies, and our feelings and emotions can be released by the narratives, and the soul be cleansed by the tears. The basic theme of the paper is to point out that the narrative imagination of tragedy is more effective than the ethical approach in cultivating good character of citizens. Because it has a function of cultivating sympathy and empathy for strangers, and it is more in line with the needs of human nature by appealing to emotions and feelings than by persuasion of rational argument.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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