


National Identity and the Future of Democracy - On the Constitutional Patriotism of Habermas


石忠山(Chung-shan SHIH)


哈伯馬斯 ; 歷史記憶 ; 國族認同 ; 民主政治 ; 憲政愛國主義 ; 歷史學家之爭 ; 國族 ; 國族國家 ; 公民身分 ; Habermas ; Historical Memory ; National Identity ; Democratic Politics ; Constitutional Patriotism ; Historikerstreit ; Nation ; National State ; Citizenship




48卷6期(2021 / 06 / 01)


51 - 70






What is memory exactly? What role should historical memory play in shaping our national identity and reflecting on the future of democracy? Why does Habermas claim in the "Historikerstreit" (historians dispute) that we should memorize history rather than revise it and ponder upon the future of the nation via reflecting and criticizing our national history? Why does his constitutional patriotism emphasize the ideas of universalism and proceduralism? Can the former help German people walk away from the shadow of Nazi history and mediate the diverse interests of modern life? Why does he advocate that we should establish our political identity based on the universal ideas of the citizenship principle as well as create a new paradigm of democratic politics of this era through the same way? To introspect and to answer the questions above are the purposes of the article. The author will point out in this article that Habermas's constitutionalism not only makes inspiring statements for issues such as national identity and the future of democracy, but it also reproduces the radiance of the idea of enlightenment for the present world of value confusion and moral nihility.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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