The strand of twentieth-century theology represented by the likes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Karl Rahner, Jürgen Moltmann, and Wolfhart Pannenberg have, under the direct or indirect influence of Adolf von Harnack's Hellenization thesis, rejected the doctrine of God in classical Latin theology as a product of the substantialism of the classical theism of Hellenistic philosophy. Such substantialism, so they contend, contradicts the quintessentially Christian doctrine of a suffering God. This strand of theology has popularized the view that Augustine is responsible for having made classical Greek substantialism normative to Latin theology. This article contends that Augustine made significant revisions to the substantialist vocabularies of classical philosophy in his formulation of the vestigium Trinitatis, such that the triune God is rendered in terms of the proto-actualistic category of being-in-act-and-relation. Karl Barth's actualistic formulation of the analogia relationis serves to demonstrate the significance of Augustinian ontology to modern and contemporary theology. It shows, inter alia, that Christian theology does not have to affirm the proclamation of a suffering God at the cost of the classical doctrines of divine impassibility and immutability. Barth's Trinitarian and Christological reappropriation of Augustine stresses, in modern terms, the classical Christian doctrine affirmed by the Nicene-Chalcedonian tradition: God-in-and-for-Godself became God-for-us without ceasing to be God-in-and- for-Godself. This means: the impassible suffered without ceasing to be impassible.
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