


Taking Matteo Ricci's Jiao You Lun and Martino Martini's Qiu You Pian as Examples Discussion on the Principles of Friendship


蘇嫈雰(Ying-Fen SU)


中華新士林哲學 ; 利瑪竇 ; 衛匡國 ; 《交友論》 ; 《逑友篇》 ; Chinese Neo-scholasticism ; Matteo Ricci ; Martino Martini ; Jiao You Lun (On Friendship) ; Qiu You Pian (Pamphlet on Gathering Friends)




48卷12期(2021 / 12 / 01)


51 - 67






In this paper there are two reasons to taking Matteo Ricci's Jiao You Lun (《交友論》, On Friendship, 1595) and Martino Martini's Qiu You Pian (《逑友篇》, Pamphlet on Gathering Friends, 1647) as examples discussion on the principles of friendship. The first one is, why did Matteo Ricci's Jiao You Lun astonish Chinese Scholars and attract their attention? The second one is, since Martino Martini and Chu Shih (祝石) considered that "the contents of Ricci's Jiao You Lun did not covered completely regarding the depth and broadness of the meaning of friendship, "they wrote Qiu You Pian to increase and broaden the contents of the principles of friendship. This paper aims to explore five sections as following: (1) Preface: did Chinese scholars seldom pay attention on the relationship of friends, the last relationship among wu lun? Why did Jiao You Lun and Qiu You Pian astonish Chinese Scholars and attract their attention? (2) The foundation for the principles of friendship: people should choose a friend with one's virtue, sincerity, philia. (3) Ways to with friends: maintain friendship without injustice and unrighteousness, no-fake and no-doubt. (4) Good friendship develops the cultivation of virtue: a discussion on how to examine in what things your friend prefers, faithfully admonish and lead your friend to choose what is good, and to correct one's mistakes. (5) Conclusion: by taking Matteo Ricci's Jiao You Lun and Martino Martini's Qiu You Pian, this paper explores the foundation for the principles of friendship, ways to with friends, and how good friendship develops the cultivation of love in order to achieve the highest excellence. This paper is to provide the moderns with a different way of thinking on the principles of friendship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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