The transmission of Wang's thought has been reflected and supplemented by Dong-Lin Sect in late Ming, yet they remain confined and fettered by their Cheng-Chu Neo-Confucianism's position. Then, Wang's thought has gradually been revised and refashioned to its mainstream through the endeavor of Liu Ji-Shan, Huang Zong-Xi, and many other scholars. In early Qing, certain counter-movements to Wang's thought arise due to political or sectarian considerations. About the same time, Zhang Lie (1622-1685), a champion of Zhu Xi, strongly criticizes Wang's thought while debating with Mao Qi-Ling (1623-1716), a champion of Wang. In this paper, I intend to explore the related arguments proposed by the two scholars in order to reflect the condition and challenges confronted by Wang's in early Qing.