


A Study of the Epistemological Controversy on the Existence of God in Late-Ming China


紀建勛(Jianxun JI)


利瑪竇 ; 上帝存在的認識論 ; 龍華民 ; 萊布尼茲 ; Matteo Ricci ; The Epistemology on the Existence of God ; Niccolo Longobardi ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz




49卷3期(2022 / 03 / 01)


151 - 164






As for the highest categories of Neo-Confucianism, Tai Chi and Li, it is generally believed that Matteo Ricci's view was to uphold the standard position of Catholic official theology and reduced them to the attributes of things that need to depend on things. His main effort was to interpret Catholic supreme God as Shang-ti in ancient Chinese scriptures. In contrast, Niccolo Longobardi and other Jesuits who opposed Matteo Ricci's practice interpreted Tai Chi and Li as "primitive material", and they regarded Confucianism as atheism, which directly obscured the possible channels of communication between Confucianism and Catholicism. Leibniz, on the other hand, thought that Li of Chinese philosophy itself was the Supreme God, and even went a step further. He thought that Li of Chinese philosophy is the noumenon, the possibility of all things, the first or ultimate reason, and the origin of all goodness. The different understandings and responses of the three parties to Confucianism revealed the epistemological controversy on the existence of God in Late-Ming China, and further extended a possible approach to the dialogue between Confucianism and Catholicism. From Tai-xi to Xi-tai, only the order of the two words seems to have changed, but the meanings behind them are quite different. This showed that the missionaries, as the representatives of western culture, recognized Confucianism and opposed Buddhism and Taoism. This has brought about Chinese Rites Controversy, and opened the door of mutual recognition and overall evaluation of the two cultures of the East and the West.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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