


Artistic Reification and the Bodily Self


宋灝(Mathias OBERT)


身體自我 ; 身體模擬 ; 中國書畫 ; 現代繪畫 ; 文化質料 ; Bodily Self ; Body Mimesis ; Ancient Chinese Art ; Modern Painting ; Cultural Material




49卷3期(2022 / 03 / 01)


21 - 39






As culture depends on the material sphere, artistic behavior always is related to some sort of "reification". The problem discussed in this contribution is as follows: May our bodily self be seen as a material for art? Does artistic reification encompass our embodiedness? By means of a transcultural phenomenological approach, a correspondence is revealed between pre-modern Chinese brush writing and painting on one side, and modern, as well as contemporary, painting in Europe and North- America, on the other side. It is shown how artistic reification relies on "body mimesis" and to what extent the embodied self actually functions as artistic material. After briefly clarifying the ways in which the bodily self gets involved in artistic behavior in ancient China, so as to "incorporate cultural materials" in a lively way, by the bias of a transcultural shift of the perspective, an investigation into modern and contemporary Euro-American painting elucidates the intimate relation between artistic materiality and the embodied self which can equally be found here. Thus evidence is given for a mostly neglected, yet crucial, point, namely that the artist's embodiedness is to be held responsible for artistic materialization.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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