


Non-object, Absence of Narrativity, and "Disapparition": Multiculturality through Szeto Lap's Painting


幽蘭(Yolaine ESCANDE)


司徒立 ; 司空圖的《二十四詩品》 ; 象形表現畫派 ; 非對象 ; 去像 ; Szeto Lap ; Twenty-Four Degrees of Poetry (Ershisi shipin) by Sikong Tu ; Figurative Expression ; Non-object ; Disapparition




49卷3期(2022 / 03 / 01)


67 - 85




本文藉由華裔法籍畫家司徒立(Szeto Lap)的藝術實踐,探討藝術中的文化多元性的議題,分析司徒立畫出感覺的意願。他既屬於抒情的中國傳統,又屬於法國的象形表現畫派。司徒立1975年離開中國到法國巴黎。1982年他是20世紀第一位在蓬皮杜中心(Centre Pompidou)開個人展覽的當代中國藝術家。司徒立在畫中指涉司空圖(835-908)的《二十四詩品》,並參照塞尚(Paul Cézanne)的畫與歐洲現象學。他想融合歐洲現象學與中國古典詩畫,即是通過油畫的實踐表現中西的心情和境界。由此,他遇到繪畫實踐的質料性。本文探討這位藝術家與理論家的詩畫觀念,以及他藝術創造與理論思想的關係,通過對他的畫作分析,特別是油畫與木炭畫的研究,指出其畫作的藝術價值,其中所隱含的文化多元性與物質性的意義所在。


The paper examines the question of multiculturality through the artistic practice of a Chinese born French painter, Szeto Lap, and his theoretical will to paint "sensation". Thus he belongs to the classical Chinese tradition of emotional expression, and he also belongs to the French "figurative expression" pictorial trend. Szeto Lap has fled from China and settled in France in 1975. He is the first Chinese contemporary artist whose artworks have been exhibited in Pompidou Centre for a solo exhibition, as soon as 1982. Szeto Lap refers to Song dynasty painting as well as to the Twenty-Four Degrees of Poetry (Ershisi shipin) written by Tang dynasty Sikong Tu (837-908), to Cézanne and to European phenomenology. Therefore, this artist wishes to reconcile ancient and modern, East and West, in expressing inner feelings, senses and emotions into his pictorial approach. But doing so, he has to face the materiality of pictorial practice. The paper examines the way this artist, who is also a theoretician, takes advantage in his pictorial and theoretical experience of the contributions of European philosophical and pictorial practice, and of Chinese classical, poetical and pictorial tradition. It tries to show in which matter this artist expresses multiculturality in his artistic creativity and in his theorisation, through the study of several artworks, oil paintings and charcoals.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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