


Adaptation and Reflection in Creation: The Encountering between Dominicans and Taiwan Indigenous People from 1861 to 1895


鄭印君(Yinchun CHENG)


天主教 ; 道明會 ; 原住民 ; 傳教策略 ; Roman Catholic Church ; Dominican Order ; Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples ; Missionary Strategies




49卷6期(2022 / 06 / 01)


75 - 94






The missionary history of the Catholic Church in East Asia has a significant meaning in the missionary history of Asia. Among them, the arrangement of the missionary history of China and Japan, as well as the related issues, has been the focus of recent studies on the history of missionary, the Eurasian exchanges and missionary Sinology. Although the Catholic Church's missionary work in Taiwan is related to the missionary history of China and Japan, it also highlights the special geographical location and meaning of this island in international exchanges at that time. There are two periods of the Catholic Church's missionary work in Taiwan. In addition to more scholars' input in relevant research, it also paid less attention to the relationship between the missionaries of the Dominican Order and the Taiwanese indigenous peoples at that time. This paper takes this as a concern and makes a statement in three parts, including: the beginning of Catholicism in Taiwan, mainly briefly arranging the establishment of Dominicans of the Province of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and the Catholic Church in Taiwan; The second part focuses on the different views at that time, displays and refracts the volatility, and hopes to sort out the records of missionaries and Taiwanese indigenous peoples in the document from 1861 to 1895. The records on this aspect are mainly the contents of missionaries' reports and letters, with less relevant discussion and more difficulty in handling. Therefore, this paper will mainly analyze and discuss the previous arranging contents; The third part "adjustment and reflection in creation" examines the missionary strategies at that time and reflects on the discussion framework of the first two parts.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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