


From "Out of the Ordinary Things, Comes Peace under the Heaven" to "Sageliness within and Kingliness without"-Virtue of a Virtuous Monarch and Confucian Political Ideal in the Book of Changes


蕭永貴(Yonggui XIAO);姜廣輝(Guanghui JIANG)


乾卦 ; 賢君明主 ; 元亨利貞 ; 內聖外王 ; Hexagram Qian ; Sagacious Monarch ; Yuan Heng Li Zhen ; Sageliness within and Kingliness without




49卷7期(2022 / 07 / 01)


121 - 134






Tuanci, annotation of Hexagram Qian, the first and foremost of Eight Trigram, ends with "Out of the ordinary things, comes peace under the heaven", on which ancient Confucian scholars have given a variety of interpretations. Based on a comprehensive review, comparison and analysis, it can be inferred that the entry "out of the ordinary things, comes peace under the heaven" instructs the King to practice the noblest virtue of "Yuan" in "Yuan Heng Li Zhen". To be more specific, only when the King bears the welfare of the majority of people in mind and enjoys a worldwide reputation can he become the core of leadership as well as the sagacious monarch "out of the ordinary things". Likewise, only when the King pursues benevolence in governing and cultivating his people can he bring forward "peace under the heaven". Thus, the philosophy of "Out of the ordinary things, comes peace under the heaven" accords with the political ideal of "Sageliness within and Kingliness without" of Confucianism. This idea can also be summarized as "Sageliness within and kingliness without". Although the words "Sageliness within and kingliness without" was first seen in Taoism Tianxia of Zhuangzi, which is a miscellaneous chapter mostly conveys Confucianism in Taoist terms.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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