


"The Heart of a Child, Waiting for Its Self-transformation": The Communication between Yang-ming School and Children's Philosophy


劉訓茜(Xunqian LIU)


童心哲學 ; 陽明學 ; 中晚明 ; 兒童認識論 ; The Philosophy of the Primal Mind of the Newborn Child ; Yang-ming School ; Middle and Late Ming Dynasty ; Children's Epistemological View




49卷7期(2022 / 07 / 01)


165 - 178






This paper discusses Wang Yang-ming's methodology of children's education in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and expounds the similarities and potential value between Wang Yangming's theory and children's philosophy. Wang Yangming stressed that the method of elementary education should be in line with the natural nature of children. Through encouragement, children can feel joy in their heart, and have self-satisfied learning, which is against the oppression of external forces. This kind of educational idea comes from his academic thought, and is similar to the natural educational idea of children in Rousseau. His disciples, Nie Bao, Zou Shouyi and Wang Ji, also insisted that education should be guided according to the natural nature of children. Zhang Yue, however, argued that the human heart was a mixture of good and evil, so he emphasized the role of "rules" in shaping children. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, there were different changes from Zhu Xi's doctrine to Yang-ming School in the aspect of elementary education. By exploring those educational philosophies, we can promote the study of childhood philosophy, and highlight the wisdom of traditional Chinese education.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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