


From Li Xue to Dao Xue to Song School: The Acceptance of the Concept of Neo Confucianism and Its Research Vision


連凡(Fan LIAN)


宋明新儒家 ; 宋明新儒學 ; 宋學 ; 道學 ; 理學 ; Neo-Confucian ; Neo-Confucianism ; Song School ; Dao Xue ; Li Xue




49卷9期(2022 / 09 / 01)


127 - 142






The term "Neoterici Intérpretes" was first used to refer to Cheng Zhu Neo Confucian (ism) in Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, compiled by Philippe Couplet, a Jesuit in China, and published in Paris in 1687. The derived Modern Neo Confucian (ism) concept was accepted by British and American Christian journals in China and scholars such as Kakuzo Okakura (1903-1906) and Hu Shi (1917) in the late 19th and early 20th century, In 1926, Feng Youlan translated the concept of "Neo Confucianism" into Chinese "Xin Ru Jia (Xue)" for the first time. Later, it became a proper term commonly used at home and abroad through the promotion of Derk Bodde, Wing-Tsit Chan, William Theodore de Bary. The concept of Neo Confucian (ism) has experienced the meaning evolution from Cheng Zhu Li Xue (narrow sense), to Dao Xue (basic sense), and then to Song School (broad sense), which means that its significance and scope must be defined from the historical context and ideological system. At the same time, it also reflects the expansion of the vision and position of the study of Neo Confucianism from religious concept, philosophical theory to the field of ideology and culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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