


The Different Interpretations of Sanke Jiuzhi by He Xiu and Song Jun


郭曉東(Xiaodong GUO)


何休 ; 宋均 ; 三科九旨 ; 以《春秋》當新王 ; He Xiu ; Song Jun ; Sanke Jiuzhi ; Considering the Spring and Autumn Annals as a New King




49卷11期(2022 / 11 / 01)


21 - 37






Xu Yan considers that He Xiu's Sanke and Jiuzhi expresses the same meaning. He also said that He Xiu's Wen Shi Li has different levels of meaning, including the first Ke, the second Ke, and the third Ke. From the "With Zhou as the new vassal state and Song as the old vassal state, considering the Spring and Autumn Annals as a new king", we can think of the Spring and Autumn Annals as the new king who was ordained by Heaven. The reign of the new king lasted through a period of chaos, a period of near peace, and a period of peace, with different generations ruling in different ways. And that is "The words of the world that are seen, the words of the world that are heard, and the words of the world that are rumoured, they are not the same". During three periods of change, it is also the process of dissemination of ritual from near to far, from the capital to the Zhuxia and the barbarians, and that is the third Ke. The three layers of meaning are progressive, and they constitute a complete system of ideas for understanding the Spring and Autumn Annals. And "considering the Spring and Autumn Annals as a new king" is the core ideas. Compared with He Xiu, although Song Jun also says that Zhang San Shi, Cun San Tong, and Yi Wai Nei, there is no connection between the three, and the core view is not obvious. Thus, Song Jun's Sanke Jiuzhi insufficient to express the subtle meaning of the Spring and Autumn Annals.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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