


Origen on the Pre-existence of the Soul


羅月美(Yip Mei LOH)


數 ; 理性 ; 自由意志 ; 裡面的人 ; 外面的人 ; Number ; Ratio ; Free Will ; Inner Man ; Outer Man




50卷5期(2023 / 05 / 01)


113 - 130




歐利根是基督宗教的哲學神學(philosophical theology)之父。他的魂(soul)的學說常被誤解。他對魂的定義是,魂是理性的實體與「能夠理性地感知與運動的實體」。很明顯地,理性(ratio, logos)是魂的本質,這理性即基督,即人分有了基督。他更進一步根據《聖經》的真理把魂分別為屬靈的魂(the soul of spirit)與屬血氣的魂(the soul of blood)。本篇文章分別以他的魂的定義、魂的先存(pre-existence)與魂的向下拋(καταβολή)來刻劃他對魂的詮釋,藉此釐清他的魂的學說以奠定他的神哲學思想的地位。


Origen is the founder of philosophical theology. His theory of the soul has often been misunderstood. His definition of the soul is that it is a rational substance and 'a substance rationally capable of perception and movement'. Obviously, ratio (logos), which is Christ, is the essence of the soul. That is, men participate in Christ. Furthermore, he distinguishes the soul of spirit from the soul of blood based upon biblical truth. In terms of his definition of the soul and pre-existence of the soul and the καταβολή of the soul separately, this article characterises his interpretation of the soul, which, through clarification, can be shown to be founded upon the status of thought on his philosophical theology.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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