


Small vs. Large; Duty vs. Self-interest; Dao vs. Tool: The Multi-Dimensional Significance of the Distinction between Ren and Zhi


宋健(Jian SONG)


仁 ; 知 ; 小大 ; 義利 ; 道器 ; Ren ; Zhi ; Small vs. Large ; Duty vs. Self-interest ; Dao vs. Tool




50卷11期(2023 / 11 / 01)


107 - 121






In modern times, "the Distinction between Ren and Zhi" is often reduced to the relationship between "morality and knowledge"; However, considering its origin and flow, it at least gathers the triple spectrum of "Small vs. Large; Duty vs Self-interest; Dao vs. Tool". People who have the quality of Ren cannot learn from small things, but can accept heavy responsibility. They are able to content with moral but not shy of talking about Self-interest, content with moral but not abandoned in things hone their own. If we confuse the Large and the Small, separate Duty and Self-interest, cut off Dao and Tool. It will not only aggravate the tension between Duty vs Self-interest, but also easily neglect one and lose the other, even form a misunderstanding that the two are contradictory and we can't have both. The two virtues of Duty and Self-interest are related to "the maturation of the self" and "the refinement of things". The so-called "success" involves not only the transformation of things, but also the fulfillment of people. Living in the age of instrumental rationality, science and humanity are not only unbalanced, but also disharmonious today, re-discussing the "the Distinction between Ren and Zhi" is more realistic concern: emphasizing Ren over Zhi is wrong; Exalting Zhi and abandoning Ren is not a good way either.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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