


Mou Zongsan on the Religiousness of Confucianism: Focusing on "the Twofoldness of Being Moral and Religious"


張子立(Tzuli CHANG)


宗教性 ; 即道德即宗教 ; 既超越又內在 ; 宗教情懷模式 ; 宗教基點模式 ; 人之有限性 ; Religiousness ; The Twofoldness of Being Moral and Religious ; Transcendent and Immanent ; The Religious Sentiment Model ; The Religious Postulate Model ; Human Finitude




50卷12期(2023 / 12 / 01)


113 - 127






Mou Zongsan portrays Confucianism as a type of moral religion, which is characterized by regarding a person as both transcendent and immanent. He has developed two models for interpreting the Confucian twofoldness of being moral and religious: the religious sentiment model, and the religious postulate model. The religious sentiment model bases its religiousness upon the mediating role of the religious sentiment that connects the immanent with the transcendent, and morality with creativity. On the other hand, the religious postulate model is predicated on a religious postulate acting as the Archimedean point of its theory. This model takes our moral agency to be transcendent, serving as the ground for both morality and creativity, as it motivates our moral behaviors and realizes the thing-in-itself. Both models share the common aim of conveying the religiousness of Confucianism. They are intended to exhibit the homogeneity of tian and ren while taking into consideration human finitude. The advantage of the religious postulate model lies in that all beings and moral behaviors are the logical conclusion derived from its religious premise. However, the intellectual intuition of humanity implicit in this model is a postulate in the strong sense and is extremely discordant with the fact of human finitude. In contrast, the religious sentiment model allows more room for human finitude and is thus less controversial. It is safe to say that finding an appropriate position for human finitude is the key to advancing the study of Mou Zongsan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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