


Internet Adoption, Uses, and Gratifications Obtained




羅文輝(Ven-Hwei Lo);李郁青(Yu-Ching Li);施盈廷(Ying-Ting Shih);楊秀娟(Shiow-Jiuan Yang)


網路使用 ; 期望理論 ; 新科技擁有數 ; 獲得之滿足 ; 期望落差 ; Internet use ; expectancy value ; technology ownership ; gratifications obtained ; expectancy divide




83期(2005 / 04 / 01)


127 - 165






The study is designed to examine Internet adoption and use from an expectancy theory perspective. We also adopt a uses and gratifications framework to assess the gratifications obtained from Internet use. Using a random sample, a personal interview was conducted with 528 respondents in Taipei, Taiwan. The results of the study indicate that expectancy value is an important predictor of Internet adoption, use, and gratifications obtained from Internet use. Social pressure and technology ownership are also significant predictors of Internet adoption and certain Internet use behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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