


Is Commercial Television Subject to Exploitation and Discrimination?-Production of a Commodity Audience and a Discourse of the Family




陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen)


商品閱聽人 ; 家庭 ; 性別 ; 傅科 ; 收視率調查 ; commodity audience ; family ; gender ; Foucault ; ratings




83期(2005 / 04 / 01)


167 - 210






Inspired by Foucault's perspective of power, this paper uses Marxism and feminism to understand the unequal sexual division of labor as well as discrimination in the production and exchange of a commodity audience. Starting with a critique of Dallas Smythe's concept of a commodity audience, the analysis highlights Marxist communication studies' oversight of the gender issue. It further empirically questions the myth of objective ratings as commonly practiced in the commercial television industry. By doing so, the study aims to unearth exploitation and discrimination hidden in the family viewing process. As framed by mainstream family discourses and technologies of ratings, audiences have been disciplined and normalized for sale. Thus, audiences' resistance cannot be separated from various social movements against sexual, racial, and economic injustices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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