


Imagining Public Journalism in Deliberative Democracy: Constructing a News Reporting Model for Deliberating Public Issues




黃惠萍(Hui-Ping Huang)


審議式民主 ; 公共新聞學 ; 衝突框架 ; 審議式新聞報導 ; deliberative democracy ; public journalism ; conflict frame ; deliberative reporting




83期(2005 / 04 / 01)


39 - 81






A trend of reflexive thoughts on political philosophy and journalism has emerged recently. While the theory of deliberative democracy aims at rectifying problems of representative democracy, public journalism intends to replace traditional elite-centered reporting with a practice targeted at restoring civic culture. Both ideas emphasize the subjectivity of citizens in political decisions. The practice of deliberative democracy requires publicity, equality, nontyranny and reciprocity. Public journalism offers the opportunities to implement these principles. Inspired by the possible synergy, this study proposes a deliberative reporting model. The model starts from citizens’ concerns and focuses on reporting pluralistic argumentations and justifications of a controversial public issue. It aims to counteract the dominant conflict frames and to enable citizens to live with disagreement and to deliberate public issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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