


The Routinized Mode of Journalists' Daily Work




張文強(Wen-Chiang Chang)


常規 ; 常規化 ; 媒介組織 ; 知識能力 ; 熱情 ; routine ; routinization ; media organization ; competence ; passion




84期(2005 / 07 / 01)


1 - 40






This study aims to explore the impact of the routinization of journalists' daily work, as such routinization has been found to restrain journalists' professional performance and hinder journalists from self improvement. The study shows that the formation of journalistic routinization is a complex process. It involves fine-tuning between individual journalists and their organizations. Routinization helps professionals establish an order out of chaos, but at the same time it brings in monotony and boredom of daily work. Two dimensions can be summarized from our analysis of journalistic routinization. First, journalists tend to repeat their routines and appear stagnant regarding their professional competence. Secondly, routinization may reflect journalists' loss of passion over their careers, resulting in low motivation for professional self-improvement. The study ends with suggestions on how journalists can rekindle their career passion from the perspectives of practical work and academic research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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