


Historiographical Suggestions to the Compilation of a History of TV Broadcasting in Taiwan: Taking Articles Presented at the Conference in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of TV Broadcasting in Tai




林元輝(Yuan-Huei Lin)


電視史 ; 電視科技 ; 電視政策 ; 電視產業 ; 電視劇 ; 電視新聞 ; 電視廣告 ; history of TV broadcasting ; TV technologies ; TV broadcasting policy ; TV industry ; TV drama ; TV news ; TV ads




84期(2005 / 07 / 01)


205 - 237






Television in Taiwan celebrated its four decades of broadcasting in the fall of 2002. In the same season a conference was held by the College of Communication, National Chengchi University. Six theme papers, focusing respectively on technologies, government policymaking, industrial structure, drama, news, and ads, were called on for the purpose of the conference. Though not bearing a single word of ”history” in their titles, these studies all deal with their subjects on Taiwan's television development over the forty years, and thus they can certainly be considered historical works. Historical works tend to be evaluated from historiographical viewpoints. This article offers critical notes on these invited papers from perspectives as to how to collect historical sources, how to investigate into authenticity, how to make historical comments, whether a suitable form for telling story is created, is the narrative attractive, and are there any prospects, warnings, and useful suggestions. The forthright criticism is due to academic sincerity with the hope of a better compilation of the history in TV broadcasting in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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